Guess I’ll be watching YouTube tutorials for a while.

If I have issues, I’ll drop a note so those still holding off can justify their actions or if it’s only tiny stuff, then jump in and get all the newest bells and whistles going.

Good to know when you haven’t done this in several years. The new bundle features four new instruments: Korg MS-20 V, SQ80-V.
#Arturia v collection 5 demo install#
The 2osomthing gigabyte download took a while but this morning I woke up and it was ready for install and activation. MST Staff 687 Views arturia, arturiaaugmentedstrings, arturiafragments, arturiafragmentsdemo, arturiafragmentsfx, arturiafragmentsreview, arturiasq80v, arturiavcollection9, augmentedstringsintro, augmentedvoices, efxfragments, fragmentsvspigments, vcollection9.

Well, the installer didn’t stop me from installing it like Apple Installers do when the req OS is not what is the recommended req OS, so that was interesting.
#Arturia v collection 5 demo how to#
Hoping nothing gets messed with Cubase 8 also on the same drive (I’ve had different versions on the same boot drive before with no big deal issues, somehow Cubase knows how to handle the various versions, but with each new version, you never know what can be possibly lying in waiting to pounce on your, haha). Ok, I’m just going to take a deep breath and install the Demo version on my El Capitan via full install and 1 month trial period.